On May 10, 2011, People all over the world will be celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day. The Detroit community will be having a special celebration in honor of this. The event will feature presentations by community members, leaders and musicians.

Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg from Shir Tikvah will be Hosting/Emceeing the evening. The Temple Israel Soul Shabbat Band will be serenading the crowd with their version of the national anthems, and a full concert will be performed by Reb Yosil and The Kosher Gravy Co.

This event is being sponsored by Coby’s Judiaca of West Bloomfield.  YAD – Young Adult Division of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit and CommunityNEXT.

A raffle will be held with proceeds to benefit World ORT’s efforts in Sha’ar HaNegev Regional School, which is located outside Sderot in Southern Israel. The region has been a constant target for Kassam rockets from Gaza. World ORT is working with the Israeli Government and other partners to provide the students with a safer learning environment.

“My hope by bringing this event to Detroit is to share our Jewish traditions with anyone who is interested in it,” said Reb Yosil. “We have a rich history that is intertwined with every major and minor event and we can all grow by becoming more aware of our common roots and how they grow apart and together through our own belief systems.

Tickets for this event being held at The Magic Stick in Detroit, Michigan are $10 in advance through TicketMaster or $12 at the door. Doors open at 7:30 and the event begins at 8:30 p.m.For more information on this event, or any other events by Reb Yosil and The Kosher Gravy Company, please contact Ben Rosenzweig.

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